Blender is a unix-based computer software for the manufacture of 3D graphics. For those of you who want to learn blender you must know the hardware required to run the blender 3D software.
In this discussion, we will discuss the required hardware and software needed to run the blender 3d for beginners who want to learn blender 3d. We need to know the hardware is not good, the hardware is good and excellent.
To see some of the hardware needed to run the software blender 3d
The minimum hardware for blender 3d
For those who felt less cost to buy some hardware purposes you can also run Blender 3d for the following hardware
32-bit dual core 2GHz CPU with SSE2 support.
24 bits 1280 × 768 display
Mouse or trackpad
OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics with 512 MB of RAM
For More optimal hardware you can use the following
But you spend a little charge again, but this will optimize the blender so rarely hang or crash, the following hardware in Recommend by the Blender
64-bit quad-core CPU
Full HD display with 24-bit color
Three button mouse
OpenGL 3.2 compatible graphics with 2 GB of RAM
If you really want to optimize the blender so that it runs very well and rarely hangs and crashes, and the graphics are very good you can buy some hardware requirement as follows
Hardware with high class
64-bit eight-core CPU
Graphic cards support GPU
Two full HD displays with 24 bit color
Three button mouse and graphics tablet
Dual OpenGL 3.2 compatible graphics cards with 4 GB of RAM
That is some hardware that is used to run the software Blender 3d,
NOTE: "Increasing the size of the hardware and upgrade the hardware is highly recommended due to prevent hang or crash in the blender and can increase the speed me-Render with the system CPU on average slower unlike the case render Wearing system GPU, if you want to Upgrade Your hardware must ask the people who are already experienced in Blender Blender or ask in the Forum so that no hang on a computer and stable in running its software Blender "
So various infonya, hopefully this info can help agan who want to learn blender or more possible. Thank ya been read. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
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